Tag Archives: budget

Five Ways to Promote Your Book That Won’t Cost You a Dime

Photo credit: Ladyheart from morguefile.com

So, you’re a self-published author hoping to get out of the I-only-sell-a-few-books-a-month rut. You’ve set a marketing budget, no matter how small, maybe even just $5 a month. There’s just one problem: Now that you look at your shiny new budget, you feel like it’s really, really small.

Don’t worry! There are all sorts of promotions you can do for free! Let’s look at five of them. Continue reading Five Ways to Promote Your Book That Won’t Cost You a Dime

Why You Should Have a Marketing Budget—No Matter How Small

Photo credit: jppi from morguefile.com

I’ve heard it time and time again from self-published authors everywhere: “I know I would sell more books if I did some marketing, but I don’t have any money to spend on advertising.”

The word marketing just sounds expensive, and advertising is even worse. But there’s plenty that you can do for free or very cheap. Let’s explore it together.

Today all I want to do is ask you to set a marketing budget. I’ve talked to many authors who tell me their books don’t sell too well and they can’t afford to spend more than they’re making. And that’s a fair point. So I’m just going to suggest this: Could you afford to spend $5 a month? Continue reading Why You Should Have a Marketing Budget—No Matter How Small